Name : Albania
Capital : Tirana
Area : 28 748 km²
Population : 2 934 363
Government : Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
Motto : Ti Shqipëri, më jep nder, më jep emrin Shqipëtar (You Albania, give me honour, give me the name Albanian)
National anthem : Albanian National Anthem
Official language : Albanian
Currency : Albanian lek (ALL), since 1926
Borders : Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro
Maritime boundaries : Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea
Short history of the independant Albania :
1912 : Albania becomes independant.
1925-1939 : Ahmet Zogu leads Albania as a President of Republic (1925-1928), then as a King under the name Zog I (1928-1939). On April 7 1939, Albania becomes occupied by Italy led by Benito Mussolini ; Zog I ecapes.
1946 : The People's Republic of Albania is establised. The coutry is dominated by the communist leader Enver Hoxha.
1948 : After the expulsion of Yougoslavia from the Cominform (Communist Information Bureau), the influence of Yougoslavia on Albania is strongly reduced.
1961 : Albania distances itself from the Sovietic Union, and has strongly relations with the People's Republic of China, until 1978. After this date, Albania reinforced its isolation from European culture in order to keep out foreign influences.
1985 : After Enver Howha's death, Albania, led by the communist Ramiz Alia, becomes a more democratic country.
1997 : The country is facing an important political and financial crisis.
1998 : The Constitution is renewed.
2009 : Albania is a member of the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).