1970 World Cup - Results and statistics

Group stage

Group 4

West Germany - Peru: 3 - 1
Bulgaria - Morocco: 1 - 1

1. West Germany2110031+2
2. Bulgaria11010110
3. Morocco11010110
4. Peru0100113-2

Group 1

Mexico - USSR: 0 - 0
Belgium - El Salvador: 3 - 0
USSR - Belgium: 4 - 1
Mexico - El Salvador: 4 - 0
USSR - El Salvador: 2 - 0
Mexico - Belgium: 1 - 0

1. USSR5321061+5
2. Mexico5321050+5
3. Belgium2310245-1
4. El Salvador0300309-9

Group 2

Uruguay - Israel: 2 - 0
Italy - Sweden: 1 - 0
Uruguay - Italy: 0 - 0
Sweden - Israel: 1 - 1
Sweden - Uruguay: 1 - 0
Italy - Israel: 0 - 0

1. Italy4312010+1
2. Uruguay3311121+1
3. Sweden33111220
4. Israel2302113-2

Group 3

England - Romania: 1 - 0
Brazil - Czechoslovakia: 4 - 1
Romania - Czechoslovakia: 2 - 1
Brazil - England: 1 - 0
Brazil - Romania: 3 - 2
England - Czechoslovakia: 1 - 0

1. Brazil6330083+5
2. England4320121+1
3. Romania2310245-1
4. Czechoslovakia0300327-5

Group 4

Peru - Bulgaria: 3 - 2
West Germany - Morocco: 2 - 1
Peru - Morocco: 3 - 0
West Germany - Bulgaria: 5 - 2

1. West Germany63300104+6
2. Peru4320175+2
3. Bulgaria1301259-4
4. Morocco1301226-4


Uruguay - USSR: 1 - 0 a.e.t.
Italy - Mexico: 4 - 1
Brazil - Peru: 4 - 1
West Germany - England: 3 - 2 a.e.t.


Italy - West Germany: 4 - 3 a.e.t.
Brazil - Uruguay: 3 - 1

Third place match

West Germany - Uruguay: 1 - 0


Brazil - Italy: 4 - 1


Number of teams: 16
Total goals scored: 94 goals
Matches played: 32 matches
Number of goals/match in average: 2.94 goals/match
Best attack: Brazil (19 goals in 6 matches: 3.17 goals/match)
Best defence: USSR (2 goals)

Goalscorers of the World Cup

1Gerd MüllerGermany1011.67
3Teófilo CubillasPeru501.25
4Anatoly BishovetsUSSR401
6Gigi RivaItaly300.5
6Uwe SeelerGermany300.5
9Roberto BoninsegnaItaly200.33
9Gianni RiveraItaly200.5
9Javier ValdiviaMexico200.5
9Alberto GallardoPeru200.5
9Florea DumitracheRomania210.67
9Ladislav PetrásCzechoslovakia200.67
9Wilfried Van MoerBelgium200.67
9Raoul LambertBelgium211
18Víctor EspárragoUruguay100.17
18Angelo DomenghiniItaly100.17
18Ildo ManeiroUruguay100.17
18Carlos AlbertoBrazil100.17
18Tarcisio BurgnichItaly100.17
18Juan MujícaUruguay100.17
18Wolfgang OverathGermany100.17
18Stan LibudaGermany100.2
18Karl-Heinz SchnellingerGermany100.2
18Luis CubillaUruguay100.2
18Franz BeckenbauerGermany100.2
18Vitali KhmelnitskiUSSR100.25
18Roberto ChallePeru100.25
18Martin PetersEngland100.25
18Gustavo PenaMexico110.25
18Héctor ChumpitazPeru100.25
18Javier FragosoMexico100.25
18Alan MulleryEngland100.25
18Alexandru NeaguRomania100.33
18Hristo BonevBulgaria100.33
18Mahjoub GhazouaniMorocco100.33
18José Luis GonzálezMexico100.33
18Kakhi AsatianiUSSR100.33
18Emerich DembrovschiRomania100.33
18Mordechai SpieglerIsrael100.33
18Geoff HurstEngland100.33
18Juan Ignacio BasagurenMexico100.5
18Ove GrahnSweden100.5
18Tom TuressonSweden100.5
18Dinko DermendzhievBulgaria100.5
18Todor KolevBulgaria100.5
18Houmane JarirMorocco100.5
18Asparukh NikodimovBulgaria100.5
18Allan ClarkeEngland111
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